4 min read

How to Make an Acronym Plural: The Definitive Guide

Alby Creator

Acronyms play a significant role in modern communication, providing concise and efficient ways to refer to complex terms or phrases. However, when it comes to making these abbreviations plural, many people find themselves uncertain about the correct approach. Should you add an 's' at the end, use an apostrophe, or perhaps something else entirely? In this article, let's explore the rules and best practices for making acronyms plural to ensure your writing remains clear and grammatically correct.

Understanding Acronyms

Before delving into making acronyms plural, it's important to understand what acronyms are. Acronyms are formed by taking the initial letters of a series of words and creating a new word from them. For example, "NASA" stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and "laser" stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

The Pluralization Dilemma

Pluralizing acronyms can be a bit tricky because they don't follow the same rules as regular nouns or abbreviations. The key to getting it right lies in whether you are dealing with an initialism or an acronym:

  • Initialisms: Initialisms are abbreviations formed by using the first letter of each word in a phrase and pronouncing each letter individually. Examples include "CEO" (Chief Executive Officer) and "FBI" (Federal Bureau of Investigation). When making initialisms plural, simply add an 's' to the end, as you would with any regular noun. For instance, "CEOs" and "FBIs" are the correct plural forms;
  • Acronyms: Acronyms, on the other hand, are abbreviations formed by taking the initial letters of a series of words but pronouncing them as a single word. For example, "NASA" and "laser" are acronyms. Pluralizing acronyms can be a bit more complex. In most cases, you add an 's' to the end without an apostrophe, just like you would with regular nouns. For instance, "NASAs" and "lasers" are the correct plural forms. However, if the acronym contains periods (e.g., A.I. for Artificial Intelligence), you can simply add an 's' without the need for an apostrophe.


Initialism Full Form
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
USA United States of America
Acronym Full Form
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging

Apostrophes and Acronyms

One common mistake when pluralizing acronyms is the inappropriate use of apostrophes. In English, apostrophes are used to indicate possession or to form contractions, but they are not used to make nouns plural. Therefore, you should avoid using apostrophes to pluralize acronyms.

  • Incorrect: CEO's (should be CEOs);
  • Incorrect: NASA's (should be NASAs);
  • Incorrect: CD's (should be CDs).

Exceptions and Special Cases

While most acronyms follow the general rule of adding an 's' to form the plural, there are exceptions and special cases:

  • Letters and Numbers: When pluralizing single letters or numbers, you can add an 's without any issues. For example, "I received three A's on my report card" or "She wrote two 7s on the chalkboard";
  • Pluralizing Symbols: If you have an acronym that includes symbols, like "%" for percent or "$" for dollar, simply add an 's to the end without any apostrophes. For example, "She saved 10%" becomes "She saved 10%s".


Understanding how to make acronyms plural is crucial for clear and correct communication. Remember that initialisms are treated like regular nouns when it comes to pluralization, and you can simply add an 's to the end. Acronyms, while mostly following the same rule, should also be pluralized by adding an 's, except when they contain periods, in which case, you can do so without an apostrophe. Avoid using apostrophes to pluralize acronyms, and be aware of any exceptions or special cases. With these guidelines in mind, you can confidently use plural acronyms in your writing and maintain clarity and correctness in your communication.

Alby Creator